Saturday, May 17, 2008

豉椒素魚塊 Vegetarian Fish With Black Bean Sauce

Vegetarian Fish With Black Bean Sauce

1湯匙醬油(生抽) 。1茶匙鹽。
1. 除紫菜和菜油之外,將所有材料和調味料,一同用手爛,攪勻做成素魚漿。
2. 用一個同紫菜一樣大小的蒸盤,放2張紫菜在盤內(兩張成一張) ,將素魚漿放紫菜上弄平壓實,將它蒸30分鐘。冷涼後放冰箱。
3. 待凍後切開四條,2條切塊,(餘留下次用) 。
4. 不黏鍋中火加油,將素魚塊煎成金黃色,上碟。
一茶匙半辣椒豆豉醬,—湯匙醬油(老抽) ,

500g firm tofu, 2 tbsp of corn starch.
3 tbsp plain flour, 1 sheet of dried bean curd.
2 sheets of seaweed, 2 tbsp of vegetable oil.
1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt,
1 tsp of sesame oil, pinch of pepper.
1. Add all ingredients and seasonings (except seaweed and oil) evenly with your hands, mash tofu and the mixture together, make into vegetarian fish pulp.
2. Put 2 sheets of seaweed on a square plate (tin) in the same size as the seaweed, put the pulp on top of seaweed and press firmly then steam for 30 minutes, cool it down then put in refrigerator .
3. Take out from refrigerator, then cut into 4 strips, only 2 out of them cut into pieces (the rest for next meal).
4. Heat non -stick wok by medium heat, add oil then fry pieces until golden brown, remove and put on a plate.
5. Black bean sauce:
Bring to boil - 1 1/2 tsp of black bean sauce,
1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 1/2 tsp corn starch,
1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil pinch of salt and 1 cup of water, then pour on vegetarian fish pieces (4).

家常素食 Home-Made Chinese Vegetarian Dishes

Home-Made Chinese Vegetarian Dishes

與有興趣學素食者分享 畢天娜
To share with those who want to learn vegetarian cooking.
Recipes Contributed by Tina Beck

版權所有© 畢天娜 & 華夏文化社
Tina Beck & Cathay Culture Promoters, All Copyrights Reserved 2003

家 常 素 食- Auntie Tina's Kitchen

素食有些甚麼好處? 可延年益壽 ?--是的, 答對了!事實上, 素食更可以預防各種
疾病,例如 : 減少心臟病, 血管硬化, 糖尿病的發病機會.又會因為不殺生而使你
有一個慈悲的愛心.素食有這許多好處, 是毋庸置疑的事實,所以, 近年來, 素食
能買得到. 基於這個原因.故此本人就用最簡單的,在日常於菜市場上, 買得到的材
料.是既方便又簡單 ! 這本" 家常素食 "是本人於這數年來,所研究出來的心得.所
有的菜式,沒有添放味精.因此 對我們的健康是很有助益! 希望能分享給所有喜愛
食素的人 !

What is the benefit of vegetarianism? Longevity?
Yes, this is the benefit of it. Vegetarianism also prevents some disease such as heart attack, blood
clot and diabetes. It also promotes practice of Ahimsa (non-killing). No wonder vegetarianism is
becoming the trend and fashion. There are many Asian vegetarian recipe books, but most of
the ingredients are hard to find in western countries. Because of this reason. I only use the
ingredients that one can easily find in the local Asian grocery stores in my cookbook. The
recipes included in this "Home-Made Chinese Vegetarian Dishes" has originated from the
accumulation of my years' experience. No MSG is used in any dish and it is good for health. I
would like to share these dishes with those who like vegetarian cooking.

Friday, May 16, 2008


The photo is self explanatory.
Only lime juice and extra virgin olive oil are used, no salt or other dressing.

Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

Curry Cooking Class for Daoist Vegetarians

Curry Cooking Class for Daoist Vegetarians
Date: 10 May 2008
Venue:Greenslopes Red Cross Hostel
Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

A group of Daoist vegetarians have requested assistance from Nishanti and Sanjaya Ariyasinghe, a Sri Lankan couple to demonstrate how to cook authentic, genuine and original easy to manage curries. NO garlic, onion or shallots are used in these recipes so as to meet the Daoist dietary requirements. Contrary to the common practice of Daoist vegetarians in Brisbane, they have used no processed vegetarian imitation or substitute foods.

Here are the four main curries we have learnt cooked and tasted for that lunch:

1. Red Lentils Curry

  1. Wash the red lentils 3 or 4 times
  2. Put into cooking pot, mixing with spices such as green curry leaves, green chili slices,
  3. Add salt, curry powder, turmeric powder, water and chili powder,
  4. Put on stove on high heat. Add more water. No oil needed.
  5. Stir regularly to prevent from sticking on the bottom, add coconut milk when it’s boiled.
  6. Cook about 10-15 minutes, until lentils broken down into fine puree;
  7. Turn to low heat to thicken the mixture, for about 5- 10 minutes;
  8. Sit for a few minutes to cool down before serve.

Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

Core Spices

We have used core spices for all four dishes, they are:
  1. Curry Powder,
  2. Coconut Powder (to mix in warm water prior to use),
  3. Fresh Curry leaves,
  4. Fresh green chili,
  5. Dry red chili flakes or powder,
  6. Turmeric powder

Four Curries in 8 Easy Steps

Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

2. Pineapple Curry

1. Choose a medium size, medium texture (not to ripe not too raw), to skin and cut into slices
2. Put into cooking pot, mixing with spices such as green curry leaves, green chili slices,
3. Add salt, curry powder, turmeric powder, water and chili powder,
4. Put the stove on high heat with some oil, Put in some fresh curry leaves
5. Stir regularly to prevent from sticking on the bottom, add coconut milk when it’s boiled.
6. Cook about 10-15 minutes, until pineapple slices softened;
7. Turn to low heat to thicken the mixture, for about 5- 10 minutes;
8. Sit for a few minutes to cool down before serve

Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

3. Carrots Curry

. Wash and peel carrots, cut into chips as French fries
2. Put into cooking pot, mixing with spices such as green curry leaves, green chili slices,
3. Add salt, curry powder, turmeric powder, water and chili powder
4. Put on stove on high heat with oil, add coconut milk when it’s boiled.
5. Stir regularly to prevent from sticking on the bottom
6. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, until carrots turned soft
7. Turn to low heat to thicken the mixture, for about 5- 10 minutes
8. Sit for a few minutes to cool down before serve

Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin

4. Potato Curry

1. Wash and peel potatoes, dice them 3 or 5 cm cubes
2. Put into cooking pot, mixing with spices such as green curry leaves, green chilli slices
3. Add salt, curry powder, tumeric powder, water and chilli powder,
4. Put on stove on high heat with oil , add coconut milk when it’s boiled.
5. Stir regularly to prevent from sticking on the bottom
6. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, until lentils broken down into fine puree;
7. Turn to low heat to thicken the mixture, for about 5- 10 minutes;
8. Sit for a few minutes to cool down before serve

Cooking Instructors: Nishanti & Sanjaya Ariyasinghe,
Text/Photo by Stephen & Molly Lin