Thursday, December 15, 2011

忙」乃「心亡」 大方廣文化公益網




說文解字【忙】小篆               說文解字【忙】隸書

說文解字【忙】楷書             說文解字【忙】行書



 康熙字典:  忙  【卯集上】【心字部】 忙 【广韵】莫郞切【集韵】【韵会】【正韵】谟郞切,𠀤音茫。心迫也。
【杜甫·新婚别】暮婚晨告别,无乃太悤忙。 又姓。明有忙义,忙宗。 又与恾同。【广韵】怖也。  

1. 工作繁多促迫曰忙。如忙裡偷閑。
2. 事情繁多,沒有空閑。如忙碌、繁忙。
3. 心情、時間促迫。如神色慌忙。又如「向後光陰促,從
4. 趕緊曰忙。如急忙,趕忙。
5. 舊時分期徵收田賦謂分忙。有上忙、下忙之稱。
人不免會無奈地嘆息道:「整天忙,卻不知道忙些什麼?」、「忙得暈頭轉向」、「忙得心亂如麻」 …… 等等。
多錯」,講的就是這個道理。與其在忙亂中出錯,不如定心安神,做事之前充分預備 , 審慎思維,纔能把事情做對、做好。
是故,我們不能不警醒,讓心亡失而不知。唯心有定向、主宰 ,


午休 (A Joke from Taiwan)






银屑病 (牛皮廯): 偏方和西药 如何治疗 How to treat Psoriasis     Australia 银屑病 (牛皮廯) Association.
多的没时间翻译, 自己参考阅读, 欢迎留言指正。
发病部位:头皮,手足,指甲,后背,身体支干, 口舌。
传染途径:肢体接触, 宠物接触。
预防:抑制真菌 ,干爽洁净, 防汗防湿, 预防各种过敏物质。
护肤用品: 少用Hua学制品,多用天然产品。

多吃生菜生果,吸收自然养份, 特别是自然粘稠汁的南瓜,木瓜,意大利黄瓜,冬瓜, 芹菜,红罗卜等;
各种香草:罗勒,香菜, 还有挥发性的油性物质。Good natural remedies.
蔬菜榨汁:如红罗卜汁,菠菜汁, 生木瓜.


English Terminology:

Varicella skin rash, 水痘皮疹 / mold skin rash 模子皮疹 / Rubella Skin Rash 风疹皮疹 / Ringworm skin rash 癣皮疹 / Eczema (a red skin rash) 湿疹 .
激素类药物: Cortisone 可的松 ( 一种激素 , 提取自肾上腺或若干种热带植物中 , 用于关节病, etc )
西药:Cortisone, tar, anthralin (Dithranol) andvitamin D based (calcipotriol) creams and ointments remain the mainstay oftreatment for most with psoriasis.
自然疗法: Home Remedies for Ringworm
* Rawpapaya is one of the most effective home remedies for ringworm. 生木瓜。
 * Raw vegetable juices, especially carrotjuice in combination with spinach juice, have proved beneficial in thetreatment of ringworm. 蔬菜榨汁:如红罗卜汁,菠菜汁,
*Miconazole (Monistat-Derm). * The seeds of the herb butea are valuable inringworm.
* Take afew mustard seeds and powder them. Thereafter, make a paste using water. Applythe paste on the ringworm-affected area and see its wonderful effects.
* Applythe juice extracted from the Holy basil leaves 罗勒汁液 on thepatch twice or thrice a day.
* over-the-counter antifungal cream, like the kind adults use forathlete's foot. Look for a product with one or two per cent of clotrimazole ormiconazole. Some children are sensitive to these creams, so try using a little bitof the cream first to see how your child's skin reacts.

Ringwormusually responds well to treatment with antifungal creams, which can bepurchased over the counter at the pharmacy. Treatment with antifungal creamscan take one week to several weeks. Your doctor might recommend that you keepapplying the cream to the area for a week after the rash has disappeared toprevent recurrence.
Ifantifungal creams don’t work, or the ringworm is on your child’s scalp, yourdoctor might prescribe special antifungal tablets. These need to betaken under medical supervision. If the infection is on the scalp, your childmight have bald patches for a few weeks after it has cleared. Don’t worry,though – the hair will grow back.
Encourageyour child to stop scratching the affected area. It’s a good idea to treat allfamily members affected by ringworm.

  Treatment of Ringworm

Treatmentof Ringworm include the following :
 *Fluconazole (Diflucan) . * The leaves of the cassia tree are useful inirritation of the skin and in alleviating swellings and pains. * Theleaves of holy basil are also useful in ringworm. * The juice of rawturmeric should be applied externally to the parts of the skin affected byringworm. * Itraconazole (Sporanox). * Ketoconazole (Nizoral).
HomeRemedies for Ringworm
* Rawpapaya is one of the most effective home remedies for ringworm. 生木瓜。
 * Raw vegetable juices, especially carrotjuice in combination with spinach juice, have proved beneficial in thetreatment of ringworm. 蔬菜榨汁:如红罗卜汁,菠菜汁,
*Miconazole (Monistat-Derm). * The seeds of the herb butea are valuable inringworm.
* Take afew mustard seeds and powder them. Thereafter, make a paste using water. Applythe paste on the ringworm-affected area and see its wonderful effects.
* Applythe juice extracted from the Holy basil leaves on the patch twice or thrice aday.
  over-the-counterantifungal cream, like the kind adults use for athlete's foot. Look for aproduct with one or two per cent of clotrimazole or miconazole. Some childrenare sensitive to these creams, so try using a little bit of the cream first tosee how your child's skin reacts.
 Ketoconazole-containing medicines arevery effective in the treatment for ringworm. Nizoral shampoo containsketoconazole (a powerful antifungal substance) and it is commonly used in thetreatment for ringworm. The shampoo should be applied on the scalp and on the entirebody skin in order to ensure complete eradication of the infectious fungi.Nizoral should be used 2-3 times a week in order to achieve the best results.
Hydrochloride cream (Lamisil) is also very effective in overcoming fungalinfections and it has been successfully used in the treatment for ringworm.Lamisil should be used daily, applying the cream on the affected regions of theskin. In order to potentate the action of the cream, the skin needs to be cleanand dry.
Although external treatments for ringworm are effective in overcominginfections of the skin, if the disease affects the nails, oral medications arerequired. Oral Lamisil and Griseofulvin are common in the treatment forringworm and they can be successfully used in overcoming infections of thenails. However, keep in mind that the oral treatments for ringworm have manyside-effects and they aren't recommended for long-term use. If you havedermatophytosis, it is best to pay a visit to your dermatologist in order toreceive the treatment for ringworm that is most appropriate to you.
 Cortisone, tar, anthralin (Dithranol)and vitamin D based (calcipotriol) creams and ointments remain the mainstay oftreatment for most with psoriasis.
These are the commonest treatment prescribed for psoriasis and are helpful inreducing inflammation and irritation. The main problems are that the skin canbecome accustomed to the steroid over a period of time and, with prolonged useof strong cortisone creams, thinning of the skin can occur. The choice ofsteroid varies depending on the severity of the lesions and their location(e.g. scalp, face or skin folds). You should check with your doctor andpharmacist about how often and for how long the steroid cream prescribed foryou can be used on the same area. Also, by attending your doctor’s recommendedfollow-up appointments, your doctor can assess and tailor your ongoingmanagement plan to minimise risk of both of these problems.
Tar has been used for over one hundred years and is usually effective intreating psoriasis. Unfortunately, it can be smelly and may stain clothing.Tars are made from the distillation of coal and wood. They can be used ascreams and shampoos. Application is usually at night to minimise odour duringthe day. Tars may also make you more sensitive to the sun.
Calcipotriol is a medication related to vitamin D and can be effective intreating psoriasis. It is usually well tolerated. It can cause irritation,particularly when used on sensitive skin areas such as the face or groin. If itis making your psoriasis redder, angrier or more itchy and uncomfortable, youshould stop its use and see your doctor. If too much is used (a greater amountthan recommended, particularly in children), there is the possibility ofincreasing the level of calcium in the blood. The calcium level in the bloodmay be checked periodically if large quantities are required.
Anthralin is extracted from tree bark. It can be used in a thick ointment thatis left on overnight, sometimes under dressings, or more commonly applied athigher concentrations for 10-15 minutes before removal.
Anthralin is usually very effective in treating psoriasis. The mainpotential problems with anthralin are irritation of the skin, temporary skindiscolouration and permanent staining of fabric.
People with psoriasis often take advantage of natural sunlight’s beneficialeffects. Sunlight is made up of visible light and a variety of invisible rays.These invisible rays include ultraviolet and infrared or heat rays. Theultraviolet wavelengths of sunlight have been shown to be most effective inimproving psoriasis.
Light treatment is effective in most people with psoriasis. Light is mainlyused for treating people with widespread psoriasis. There are three main typesof ultraviolet (UV) light treatment used in Australia to treat psoriasis:Narrow Band UVB, Broad Band UVB and PUVA. A measured dose of the appropriatewavelength of light is delivered by a number of specially designed fluorescenttubes that line the walls of a special light cabinet (for treating the wholebody) or organised in panels designed for treating just the hands and/or feet.
Unfortunately, as is widely known, ultraviolet light can cause skin cancer.However, when creams have failed, ultraviolet light is usually extremelyeffective, but may not work for everyone with psoriasis. In order to minimisethe dangers, special treatment methods have been developed.
UVA is the “weakest” form of ultraviolet light and this is combined with theadministration of psoralens, natural substances which come from plants likecelery. The combination is called PUVA which is short for psoralens and UVA.This combination, however, has the highest risk of side effects.
Another method is the use of Narrow Band UVB. This can be likened to tuninga radio to a single band (around 311nm). The wavelength of light determines thequality or effects of different parts of the light spectrum such as warmth,colour and ability to burn the skin. This narrowband incorporates the sun’smost beneficial rays for treating psoriasis and leads to faster and moreprolonged benefits compared to broadband phototherapy and natural sunlight.NB-UVB does not contain ultraviolet’s shorter, most sunburning and potentiallydangerous wavelengths.
Because it is a powerful and potentially dangerous treatment, ultravioletlight should only be administered by practitioners skilled in its use.Disadvantages include the need for several treatments a week over severalweeks, and long term damage to the skin, including a possible increased risk ofskin cancers, and increased skin (photo)ageing.
Light treatment is available at some hospitals, Skin and Cancer Foundationsand at some dermatologists’ offices.
A number of tablet treatments are available, and these have proven veryeffective in most people living with psoriasis but, like all medications andtherapies, can cause potentially serious side effects. These treatments includemethotrexate, acitretin and cyclosporin. Careful choice of therapy and skilledmonitoring reduce the potential risks of these therapies, which are generallyvery effective in controlling even severe cases of psoriasis. Methotrexate istaken once a week and works largely via modulating the immune system. Acitretinis a derivative of vitamin A. Acitretin helps program the skin cells back tonormal and also has effects on the immune system. Cyclosporin, likemethotrexate, works via its effects on the immune system.
A number of new biological agents have been developed or are under developmentfor treating psoriasis. These interfere with the immune mechanisms that lead topsoriasis, helping to rebalance or normalise the skin immune system. They workby targeting the abnormal immune cells or their chemical products involved incausing lesions of psoriasis.
At present, only a limited number of biological agents have been shown to beeffective in treating psoriasis. These all need to be given by injection (intoa vein or into muscle). They are currently used for more severe andrecalcitrant cases, and are expensive.
People who smoke have a higher risk of developing psoriasis than non-smokers.Giving up smoking after the onset of psoriasis will not, unfortunately, lead tothe clearance of psoriasis.
People with psoriasis often take advantage of natural sunlight’s beneficialeffects. Light therapy using a special fluorescent light bulb is, however,safer and more effective.
Any cream with moisturising properties can be beneficial in improvingpsoriasis and this is the probable basis for a number of non-prescription“miracle” treatments.
Diet has not been shown to be an important factor in controlling or treatingpsoriasis. However, obesity leading to large folds of skin can make psoriasisin these folds difficult to manage. Excessive alcohol consumption may worsenpsoriasis.
Wearing light rather than dark coloured clothes can make shed skin flakesless obvious.
Vitamin A and vitamin D are beneficial in psoriasis, but the high dosesrequired to help those with psoriasis are potentially toxic or dangerous. Thus,safer, less toxic vitamin analogues have been developed (calcipotriol &acetretin) which require a prescription from your doctor. Check with yourdoctor before taking a specific high dose vitamin A or vitamin D supplement.
Psychological distress can have profound effects on the immune system. Suchdistress is reported as a trigger factor by around two thirds of people withpsoriasis, and the most stressed do least well in therapy. A psychologist maybe able to teach you better ways of coping with the problem.
With appropriate treatment, psoriasis can be well controlled for the vastmajority of sufferers and a normal lifestyle enjoyed. Unfortunately, noteveryone responds to all therapies and, in some people, particularly those withmore severe psoriasis, combination therapy may be required.
At this stage it is not possible to cure psoriasis.

老年人骨折 食疗很重要

早日康复, 吉祥如意。

导读:由于行动不便及骨质疏松,老年人很容易发生骨折。骨折后如何饮食更利于病人早日康复,这是很多患者和家属都很关心的。有人说骨折后要多喝骨头汤,有人提议进补猪骨黄豆汤,认为该汤具有补肾填骨髓的功效 ……
   由于行动不便及骨质疏松,老年人很容易发生骨折。骨折后如何饮食更利于病人早日康复,这是很多患者和家属都很关心的。有人说骨折后要多喝骨头汤,有人提 议进补猪骨黄豆汤,认为该汤具有补肾填骨髓的功效。其实,骨折后饮食进补绝非如此简单。如果没有按照疾病的康复规律进补,反而会延迟康复的时间。本文根 据骨折后的时间顺序,为读者推荐几款食疗方,供您选用。

   此时骨折部位瘀血肿胀,经络不通,气血阻滞,此期需注意活血化瘀,行气消滞。患者骨折部位疼痛,食欲及胃肠功能均有所降低,因此饮食应以清淡开胃、易消 化、易吸收的食物为主,如蔬菜、蛋类、豆制品、水果、鱼汤、瘦肉等,制作以清蒸炖为主,避免煎炸炒烩及酸辣、燥热、油腻之食品。至于黄豆骨头汤,属于肥腻 滋补的范畴,所含脂肪较多,不易消化吸收,有诱发大便干燥之嫌,最好不要食用。此阶段可选如下食疗药膳。
  制首乌20克,黄芪15克,红枣10个,母鸡肉200克,将黄芪、制首乌冼净,用纱布袋封口 红枣(去核)冼净 母鸡肉洗净,切成小块,一齐放入沙锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后改用文火炖2小时,去药袋后调味即可,随量饮用。
   此时患者从生理及精神上对骨折后的境况有所适应,骨折所引起的疼痛也已缓解,瘀血肿胀大部分消失,食欲及胃肠功能均有所恢复。饮食上应由清淡转为适当的 高营养,以满足骨痂生长的需要,可在初期的食谱上加骨头汤,田七煲鸡、鱼类以及动物肝脏之类,以补给更多的维生素A、D,钙及蛋白质。适当多吃一些青椒、 番茄、萝卜等维生素C含量丰富的蔬菜、以促进骨痂生长和伤口愈合。此阶段可选如下食疗药膳。
   母鸡1只,当归20克,炙黄芪60克,调料适量。将归芪布包,母鸡去毛杂,洗净,放入沸水锅内氽透,取出,放入凉水内冲洗干净,沥净水分,纳归芪于鸡腹 中,放盆内摆上葱、姜,加鸡清汤、黄酒、胡椒粉等,用湿棉纸将盆口封严,上笼蒸约两小时取出(如将鸡放入锅内,文火煨炖,即成归芪炖鸡)。去棉纸及葱、 姜、黄芪等,加味精、食盐调味服食。
   嫩鸡肉500克,枸杞90克,核桃仁150克,调料适量。将鸡肉洗净,切丁,加食盐、黄酒、味精、胡椒粉、蛋清、水生粉,调匀上浆。另将食盐、味精、白 糖、胡椒粉、鸡汤、麻油、水生粉调成芡汁备用,锅中放猪油烧至五成熟时,下核桃仁,用温火炸透,再将枸杞倒入,翻炒片刻即起锅沥油。锅中放猪油烧到五成熟 时,投鸡丁入锅快速划散,即可盛起。锅内留余油,放大葱、姜、蒜,稍炒,再投鸡丁,接着将芡汁倒入速炒,随即投核桃仁和枸杞,炒匀即可食用。
  生地黄120克,熟地黄120克,天冬100克,枸杞子100克,牛膝80克,何首乌120克,人参30克,黄酒2 000毫升。将上药切成薄片,放入小瓦坛内,倒入黄酒浸泡15天。每隔3天摇一次,每日早晚服,每次10~20毫升。
发表者: 张汉庆
原料:赤小豆 100克,绿豆100克,竹笋30克。     
性味与功效:消肿活血,逐血利湿。主治 骨折 早期,局部肿胀明显者。
制作与服法:将赤小豆、绿豆、竹笋分别洗净,置锅中,加清水 500毫升;急火煮开3分钟,文火煮20分钟,分次食用。
原料:生荸荠 100克。
性味与功效:清热化瘀、消积。主治骨折早期,伴 发热 者。
原料:鲫鱼 1条,黄酒、姜、葱、精盐。
制作与服法:鲫鱼活杀,去内脏及鳞,洗净,置锅中,加清水 500毫升,加黄酒、姜、葱,急火煮开3分钟,改文火煮20分钟,加精盐,分次食用。
原料:红花 10克,苏木10克,当归10克,红糖、白酒适量。
性味与功效:活血化瘀,通络止痛。适用于骨折血肿 疼痛 之症。
制作与服法:先煎红花、苏木,后入当归、白酒再煎。去渣,取汁,兑入红糖。分 3次食前温服,每日23次,连服34周。
原料:鸡肉 250克,三七粉15克,冰糖(捣细)适量。
制作与服法:将三七粉、冰糖与鸡肉片拌匀,隔水密闭蒸熟。 1日内分2次食用,连服34周。
原料:扁豆 50克,山药50克。
制作与服法:扁豆洗净,山药洗净,切成小片,同置锅中,加清水 500毫升,急火煮开3分钟,文火煮20分钟,分次食用。
原料:猪肾 1对,黄酒、姜、葱、精盐。   
制作与服法:猪肾剖开,洗净,开水浸泡 1小时,去浮沫,切成小片,置锅中,加清水500毫升,加黄酒、姜、葱、精盐,急火煮开3分钟,文火煮20分钟,分次食用。
原料:杞子 60克,桂圆肉60克,炒薏苡仁60克,红枣10枚。   
制作与服法:分别将杞子、桂圆肉、薏苡仁、大枣洗净,同置锅中,加清水 1 000毫升,急火煮开3分钟,改文火煮20分钟,分次食用。
原料:猪骨 500克,粳米50克。
制作与服法:将猪骨洗净剁碎,置锅中,加清水 500毫升,煮开去浮沫,再煮20分钟,去骨去油,取其汁。将汁置锅中,加清水500毫升,加粳米,煮成粥,分次食用。
原料:白羊脊骨 1具,粟米500克,羊肾2个,红糖适量。
制作与服法:将白羊脊骨捣碎,同粟米加水适量,煮至骨熟,入羊肾, 再煮熟。将羊肾取出切片放入锅中,加葱白、盐、酱、花椒、糖适量,再煨成羹待温食用。可分 56次服食,每日12次,连服34周。
原料:当归 25克,黄芪25克,党参25克,羊肉500克,葱、姜、食、盐、料酒、味精各适量。
制作与服法:先将羊肉洗净放铁锅内,另将当归、黄芪、党参装入纱布袋中,扎口,放入锅中,葱、姜、食盐、料酒也加入锅内,再加适量水,用武火煮沸,改文火慢炖。至羊肉烂熟即成,吃肉喝汤。可分 23次用,日服12次,连服23

黄豆 250克,紫丹参50克。先将丹参用清水漂洗,除去杂质,加水煮沸1小时,去渣留汁;其汁 与猪骨、黄豆同煮,待煮烂,加入少量桂皮、盐,即成。猪骨煮黄豆是民间常见的补骨髓方,丹参善破宿血生新血,消肿止痛效佳。中医认为祛瘀就是接骨,本方祛瘀而不伤正,于骨折早期局部肿痛明显者尤为适宜。


一、 忌盲目补充钙质钙是构成骨骼的重要原料,有人以为骨折后多补充钙质能加速断骨愈合。但科学研究发现,增加钙的摄入量并不加速断骨的愈合,而对于长期卧床的 骨折患者,还有引起血钙增高、血磷降低的潜在危险。对于骨折患者来说,身体中并不缺乏钙质,只要根据病情和按医生嘱咐,加强功能锻炼和尽早活动,就能促进 骨对钙的吸收利用,加速断骨的愈合。

二、 忌多吃肉骨头现代医学经过多次实践证明,骨折 患者多吃肉骨头,非但不能促进骨折早期愈合,反而会使愈合时间推迟。究其原因,是因为受损伤后骨的再生,主要是依靠骨膜、骨髓的作用,而骨膜、骨髓只有在 增加骨胶原的条件下,才能更好地发挥作用,而肉骨头的成分主要是磷和钙。若骨折后大量摄入,就会促使骨质内无机质成分增高,导致骨质内有机质的比例失调, 所以会对骨折的早期愈合产生阻碍作用。但新鲜的肉骨头汤味道鲜美,有刺激食欲作用,少吃无妨。



五、 忌喝水少卧床骨折患者,尤其是脊柱、骨盆及下肢骨折患者,行动十分不便,因此就尽量少喝水,以减少小便次数,如此虽小便次数减少,但更大的麻烦也产生了。 如卧床患者活动少,肠蠕动减弱,再加上饮水减少,很容易引起大便秘结。长期卧床,小便潴留,也容易诱发尿路结石和泌尿系感染。所以,卧床骨折患者想喝水就 喝,不必顾虑重重。(责任编辑:吴金妹)


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Feeding Vegan Kids
by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.

Manymembers of The Vegetarian Resource Group are glowing testimony to the fact thatvegan children can be healthy, grow normally, be extremely active, and (wethink) smarter than average. Of course it takes time and thought to feed veganchildren. Shouldn't feeding of any child require time and thought? After all,the years from birth to adolescence are the years when eating habits are set,when growth rate is high, and to a large extent, when the size of stores ofessential nutrients such as calcium and iron are determined.
Theearliest food for a vegan baby is ideally breast milk. Many benefits to theinfant are conveyed by breast feeding including some enhancement of the immunesystem, protection against infection, and reduced risk of allergies. Inaddition, breast milk was designed for baby humans and quite probably containssubstances needed by growing infants which are not even known to be essentialand are not included in infant formulas.
Manybooks on infant care have sections on techniques and timing of breast feeding,and we suggest that you refer to one of these for more information. Beforewarned that the books may discourage vegetarianism. They are wrong. With alittle attention to detail, vegetarianism and breast feeding are a goodcombination. In fact, several reports show that milk of vegetarian women islower in pesticides than the milk of women eating typical American diets (1,2).
If youchoose to breast feed, be sure to see the preceding section on lactation tomake sure that your milk is adequate for your child. Be especially careful thatyou are getting enough vitamin B-12. If your diet does not contain reliablesources of vitamin B-12, your breastfed infants should receive supplements of0.4-0.5 micrograms of vitamin B-12 daily.
See thatyour infant receives at least 30 minutes of sunlight exposure per week ifwearing only a diaper or 2 hours per week fully clothed without a hat tomaintain normal vitamin D levels (3). Dark-skinned infants require greatersunshine exposure. If sunlight exposure is limited, due to factors like acloudy climate, winter, or being dark-skinned, infants who are solely breastfedshould receive vitamin D supplements of at least 10 micrograms (400 IU) per day(4). Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets (soft, improperly mineralizedbones). Human milk contains only very low levels of vitamin D.
The ironcontent of breast milk is generally low, no matter how good the mother's dietis. The iron which is in breast milk is readily absorbed by the infant,however. The iron in breast milk is adequate for the first 4 to 6 months orlonger. Recommendations call for use of iron supplements (1 mg/kg/day)beginning at 4-6 months to insure adequate iron intake. Breast fed infants mayrequire supplemental fluoride after 6 months if water intake is low and ifsupplements are prescribed by a dentist or pediatrician.
If forany reason you choose not to breast feed or if you are using formula tosupplement breast feeding, there are several soy-based formulas available.These products support normal infant growth and development (5). Soy-basedformulas are used by vegan families as the best option when breast feeding isnot possible. At this time all soy formulas contain vitamin D derived fromlanolin (sheep's wool). Some soy-based formulas (such as Parent's Choice ® andsome store brands) may contain animal- derived fats so check the ingredientlabel. Soy formulas are used exclusively for the first six months.
Soy milk,rice milk, and homemade formulas should not be used to replace breast milk orcommercial infant formula during the first year. These foods do not contain theproper ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, nor do they have enough of manyvitamins and minerals to be used as a significant part of the diet in the firstyear.
Supplementalfood (food besides breast milk and formula) can be started at different timesin different children depending on the child's rate of growth and stage ofdevelopment but are usually begun somewhere in the middle of the first year.Some signs of the time to start introducing solid foods are: the ability to situnsupported, disappearance of the tongue extrusion reflex, increased interestin foods others are eating, and an ability to pick up food and put it in themouth.
Introduceone new food at a time so that any source of allergies can be later identified.Many people use iron-fortified infant rice cereal as the first food. This is agood choice as it is a good source of iron and rice cereal is least likely tocause an allergic response. Cereal can be mixed with expressed breast milk orsoy formula so the consistency is fairly thin. Formula or breast milk feedingsshould continue as usual. Start with one cereal feeding daily and work up to 2meals daily or 1/3 to 1/2 cup. Oats, barley, corn, and other grains can beground in a blender and then cooked until very soft and smooth. These cerealscan be introduced one at a time. However, they do not contain much iron, soiron supplements should be continued.
Whencereals are well accepted, fruit, fruit juice, and vegetables can beintroduced. Fruits and vegetables should be well mashed or puréed. Mashedbanana is one food that many infants especially enjoy. Other fruits includemashed avocado, applesauce, and puréed canned peaches or pears. Citrus fruitsand juices are common allergens and should not be introduced until the first birthday.Mild vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and greenbeans should be cooked well and mashed. There is no need to add spices, sugar,or salt to cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Grain foods such as soft, cookedpasta or rice, soft breads, dry cereals, and crackers can be introduced as thebaby becomes more adept at chewing. By age 7-8 months, good sources of proteincan be introduced. These include well-mashed cooked dried beans, mashed tofu,and, soy yogurt. Children should progress from mashed or pureed foods to piecesof soft food. Smooth nut and seed butters can be used to make sauces or dips.To avoid choking, nut and seed butters should not be spread on bread orcrackers or given to babies by the spoonful until after the first birthday.
Manyparents choose to use commercially prepared baby foods. There are productsavailable for vegan infants. Careful label reading is recommended. Sincecommercial products contain limited selections for the older vegan infant, manyparents opt to prepare their own baby foods. Foods should be well washed,cooked thoroughly, and blended or mashed to appropriate consistency.Home-prepared foods can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days or frozenin small quantities for later use.
By 10-12months, most children will be eating at least the amounts of foods shown inTable 16.
Certainlyit makes sense for vegans to continue breast feeding for a year or longer, ifpossible, because breast milk is a rich source of nutrients. Vegan infants shouldbe weaned to a fortified soy milk containing calcium, vitamin B-12, and vitaminD. Low-fat or non-fat soy milks should not be used before age 2. Milks based onrice, oats, hemp, almonds or other nuts, and coconut are not recommended as aprimary beverage for infants and toddlers as they are quite low in protein andenergy.
Severalstudies have been reported showing that the growth of vegan children is slowerthan that of non-vegans (see 6-8). Studies such as these are often cited asevidence that vegan diets are inherently unhealthy. However, when the studiesare examined more closely, we find that they are often based on vegans who havevery low calorie or very limited diets (only fruit and nuts for example). Inaddition, many vegan infants are breast fed. Compared to formula-fed infants,breast-fed infants generally gain weight at about the same rate for the first2-3 months and then gain weight less rapidly from 3 to 12 months (9). Thismeans by 12 months, breast fed infants will tend to be leaner than formula-fedinfants. The newest growth charts are based on the growth of both formula-fedand breast-fed infants and this should be taken into consideration whenassessing the growth of exclusively breast-fed infants (9).
Anadditional question that must be asked is, "What is a normal growthrate?" Growth rate is assessed by comparing changes in a child's height,weight, and head circumference to rates of growth that have been established bymeasuring large numbers of apparently healthy US children. There is no oneideal rate of growth. Instead, height, weight, and head circumference arereported in percentiles. If your child's height is at the 50th percentile, thismeans that 50% of children of that age are taller and 50% are shorter.Similarly, a weight at the 25th percentile means 25% of children weigh less and75% weigh more.
Table 16: Feeding Schedule For Vegan Babies Ages 6-12 Months

6 mos
6-8 mos*
7-10 mos
10-12 mos
Breast milk or soy formula.
Breast milk or soy formula.
Breast milk or soy formula.
Breast milk or soy formula (24-32 ounces).
Begin iron-fortified baby cereal mixed with milk.
Continue baby cereal. Begin other breads and cereals.
Baby cereal. Other breads and cereals.
Baby cereal until 18 mos. Total of 4 svgs (1 svg=1/4 slice bread or 2-4 TB cereal).
Begin juice from cup: 2-4 oz vit C source. Begin mashed vegetables & fruits.
4 oz juice. Pieces of soft/cooked fruits & vegetables.
Table-food diet. Allow 4 svgs per day (1 svg=2-4 TB fruit & vegetable, 4 oz juice).
Gradually introduce tofu. Begin casseroles, pureed legumes, soy cheese, & soy yogurt.
2 svgs daily each about 1/2 oz.
*Overlapof ages occurs because of varying rate of development.

Whilesome studies show that vegan children are at a lower percentile of weight andheight than are other children of a similar age, a recent study shows thatvegan children can have growth rates which do not differ from those ofomnivorous children of the same age (10). At this time we cannot say that achild growing at the 25th percentile is any more or less healthy than a childgrowing at the 75th percentile. What seems to be more important is that thechild stays at about the same percentile. For example, a child who is at the50th percentile for height at age 2 and only at the 25th percentile at age 3has had a faltering in growth rate. The cause of this faltering should bedetermined. In addition, children at extremes (5th percentile or lower or 85thpercentile or higher) should be individually assessed by their health careprovider.
The bestway to assure that your children achieve their ideal rate of growth is to makesure that they have adequate calories. Some vegan children have difficultygetting enough calories because of the sheer bulk of their diets. Children havesmall stomachs and can become full before they have eaten enough food tosustain growth. The judicious use of fats in forms like avocados, nuts, nutbutters, seeds, and seed butters will provide a concentrated source of caloriesneeded by many vegan children. Dried fruits are also a concentrated caloriesource and are an attractive food for many children. Teeth should be brushedafter eating dried fruits to prevent tooth decay.
Are verylow fat diets appropriate for children? Some parents wish to reduce theirchildren's risk of developing heart disease later in life and markedly restrictthe fat in the children's diets (10 to 15 percent of calories from fat). Insome cases, a very low fat diet can compromise a child's growth because thechild is not getting enough calories. There is no evidence that a very low fatdiet is any healthier for a vegan child than a diet which has somewhat more fat(25 to 35 percent of calories from fat). Fat should not be limited for infantsless than 2 years. It should be between 30 and 40% of calories for 2 to 3 yearolds, and between 25 and 35% of calories for children and teens (11). If youare using a lower fat diet than this, check that the child's growth is normaland that the child is eating enough food to meet nutrient needs.
Diets ofyoung children should not be overly high in fiber since this may limit theamount of food they can eat. The fiber content of a vegan child's diet can bereduced by giving the child some refined grain products, fruit juices,and peeled vegetables.
Sourcesof protein for vegan children include legumes, grains, tofu, tempeh, soymilk,nuts, peanut butter, tahini, soy hot dogs, soy yogurt, and veggie burgers. Someof these foods should be used daily. Children should get enough calories sothat protein can be used for growth in addition to meeting energy needs.
Table 17shows one diet plan that has been used successfully by vegan children (adaptedfrom 12).
Table 17: Diet Plans for Vegan Children

6 or more (a serving is 1/2 to 1 slice of bread or 1/4 to 1/2 cup cooked cereal or grain or pasta or 1/2 to 3/4 cup ready-to-eat cereal)
2 or more (a serving is 1/4 to 1/2 cup cooked beans, tofu, tempeh or TVP; or 1-1/2 to 3 ounces of meat analogue; or 1 to 2 Tbsp. nuts, seeds, nut or seed butter
3 (a serving is 1 cup fortified soymilk, infant formula, or breast milk)
2 or more (a serving is 1/4 to 1/2 cup cooked or 1/2 to 1 cup raw vegetables)
3 or more (a serving is 1/4 to 1/2 cup canned fruit or 1/2 cup juice, or 1 medium fruit)
3 (1 tsp. margarine or oil) (use 1/2 tsp. flaxseed oil or 2 tsp. canola oil daily to supply omega-3 fatty acids)

8 or more for 4 to 8 yr olds; 10 or more for 9 to 13 yr olds
5 or more for 4 to 8 yr olds; 6 or more for 9 to 13 yr olds
4 or more
2 or more
2 or more for 4 to 8 yr olds; 3 or more for 9 to 13 yr olds
1 per day
6 or more for 4 to 8 yr olds; 10 or more for 9 to 13 yr olds
Adaptedfrom (12).
Notes:Serving sizes vary depending on the child's age.

Thecalorie content of the diet can be increased by greater amounts of nut butters,dried fruits, soy products, and other high calorie foods.
A regularsource of vitamin B-12 like Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast,vitamin B-12-fortified soymilk, vitamin B-12-fortified breakfast cereal,vitamin B-12-fortifed meat analogue, or vitamin B-12 supplements should beused.
Adequateexposure to sunlight, 20 to 30 minutes of summer sun on hands and face two tothree times a week, is recommended to promote vitamin D synthesis (3, 4). Ifsunlight exposure is limited, dietary or supplemental vitamin D should be used.
Althoughtoday more and more children are vegan from birth, many older children alsobecome vegan. There are many ways to make a transition from a non-vegan to avegan diet. Some families gradually eliminate dairy products and eggs, whileothers make a more abrupt transition. Regardless of which approach you choose,be sure to explain to your child what is going on and why, at your child'slevel. Offer foods that look familiar, at first. Peanut butter sandwiches seemto be universally popular (beware: some kids are allergic to peanut butter) andmany children like pasta or tacos. Gradually introduce new foods. Watch yourchild's weight closely. If weight loss occurs or the child doesn't seem to begrowing as rapidly, add more concentrated calories and reduce the fiber in yourchild's diet.
Teenage Vegans
Teenagevegans have nutritional needs that are the same as any other teenager. Theyears between 13 and 19 are times of especially rapid growth and change.Nutritional needs are high during these years. The teenage vegan should followthe same recommendations that are made for all vegans, namely to eat a widevariety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, wholegrain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes. The nutrients teenage vegans shouldbe aware are of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B12.
Therecommendation for protein is 0.43 grams per pound of weight for 11-13 yearolds and 0.4 grams per pound for 14-18 year olds (13). Those exercisingstrenuously (marathon runners, for example) may need slightly moreprotein. A 16 year old who weighs 120 pounds, needs about 48 grams of proteindaily. In terms of food, 1 cup of cooked dried beans has 12 grams of protein, acup of soy milk or soy yogurt has 7 grams, 4 ounces of tofu has 9 grams, atablespoon of peanut butter or peanuts has 4 grams, and 1 slice of bread or 1cup of grain has about 3 grams.
Fruits,fats, and alcohol do not provide much protein, and so a diet based only onthese foods would have a good chance of being too low in protein. Vegans eatingvaried diets containing vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds rarely haveany difficulty getting enough protein as long as their diet contains enoughenergy (calories) to support growth. There is no need to take proteinsupplements. There is no health benefit to eating a very high protein diet andit will not help in muscle building.
Duringadolescence, calcium is used to build bones. The density of bones is determinedin adolescence and young adulthood, and so it is important to include three ormore good sources of calcium in a teenager's diet every day.
Cow'smilk and dairy products do contain calcium. However, there are other goodsources of calcium such as tofu processed with calcium sulfate, green leafyvegetables including collard greens, mustard greens, and kale, as well astahini (sesame butter), fortified soymilk, and fortified orange juice.
By eatinga varied diet, a vegan can meet his or her iron needs, while avoiding theexcess fat and cholesterol found in red meats such as beef or pork. To increasethe amount of iron absorbed from a meal, eat a food containing vitamin C aspart of the meal. Citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and broccoli are all goodsources of vitamin C. Foods that are high in iron include broccoli, watermelon,spinach, black-eyed peas, blackstrap molasses, chickpeas, and pinto beans.
It isimportant to consume adequate vitamin B12 during adolescence. Vitamin B12 isnot found in plants. Some cereals have vitamin B12 (check the label). Red StarVegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast supplies vitamin B12.
Manyteenagers are concerned with losing or gaining weight. To lose weight, look atthe diet. If it has lots of sweet or fatty foods, replace them with fruits,vegetables, grains, and legumes. If a diet already seems healthy, increasedexercise -- walking, running or swimming daily -- can help control weight. Togain weight, more calories are needed. Perhaps eating more often or eatingfoods somewhat higher in fat and lower in bulk will help. Try to eat three ormore times a day whether you are trying to gain weight or lose weight. It ishard to get all of the nutritious foods you need if you only eat one meal aday. If you feel that you cannot control your eating behavior or if you arelosing a great deal of weight, you should discuss this with your health careprovider.
Oftenthere is just not enough time to eat. Below are some foods that kids can eat onthe run. Some of these foods can be found in fast-food restaurants -- check themenu. Ideas for snacks that you can carry from home include:
Apples,oranges, bananas, grapes, peaches, plums, dried fruits, bagels and peanutbutter, carrot or celery sticks, popcorn, pretzels, soy cheese pizza, beantacos or burritos, salad, soy yogurt, soymilk, rice cakes, sandwiches, frozenjuice bars.
1.Dagnelie PC, van Staveren WA, Roos AH, et al. Nutrients and contaminants inhuman milk from mothers on macrobiotic and omnivorous diets. Eur J Clin Nutr1992; 46: 355-366.
2.Hergenrather J, Hlady G, Wallace B, et al. Pollutants in breast milk of vegetarians.N Engl J Med. 1981; 304: 792 (letter).
3.Specker BL, Valanis B, Hertzberg V, et al. Sunshine exposure and serum25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in exclusively breast-fed infants. JPediatrics 1985; 107: 372-376.
4. WagnerCL, Greer FR; American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Breastfeeding; AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Prevention of rickets adn vitaminD deficiency in infants, children, and adolescents.Pediatrics.2008;122:1142-52.
5.Committee on Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics. Soy protein-basedformulas: Recommendations for use in infant feeding. Pediatrics 1998;101: 148-153.
6. FultonJR, Hutton CW, Stitt KR: Preschool vegetarian children. J Am Diet Assoc1980; 76: 360-365.
7.Sanders TAB and Purves R: An anthropometric and dietary assessment of thenutritional status of vegan pre-school children. J Hum Nutr 1981; 35:349-357.
8.Shinwell ED and Gorodischer R: Totally vegetarian diets and infant nutrition. Pediatrics1982; 70: 582-586.
9.Centers for Deisease Control. Growth Charts, 2000. Accessed October 3, 2005.
10.O'Connell JM, Dibley MJ, Sierra J et al: Growth of vegetarian children: TheFarm study. Pediatrics1989; 84: 475-481.
11. Foodand Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes forEnergy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and AminoAcids. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002.
12.Mangels R, Messina V, Messina M.The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets,3rd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2011.

This chapter appears in the fourth edition of Simply Vegan by Debra Wasserman. Nutrition section by Reed Mangels Ph.D., R.D.